Cyberangels assesses your cyber-security capability based on a security framework divided into 3 levels: Basic, Intermediate and Advanced. Within each of these there are then 10 levels that the user must reach and which indicate the degree of maturity acquired by the organisation.

Progression is achieved by completing actions suggested by the platform and remediating vulnerabilities found in your assets by our scanners.

Each completed element allows for a score that can vary depending on the specific weight assigned by our security framework. The weights to the individual elements have been assigned according to international guidelines issued by the NIS, the United States Government's Institute of Standards and Technology.

You will therefore find here your current level and experience points you have earned. The stars serve to visually indicate how far you are from reaching the next level. But don't worry, below them you will also find a precise indication of how many experience points you need to get to the next level!

Improve your protection day by day by implementing the actions suggested by the platform in the 'Improve' section, only then can you reach the coveted level 10 and earn the prestigious completion badges for each level: 🏅 Basic, Intermediate and Advanced.

Thus, your level of protection is calculated by considering: