If your personal or company information is inadvertently exposed to the public, it means that you are exposed to several categories of risk:
- Fraud: when you are exposed to the risk of Fraud it means that a hacker could access your bank account to make a transfer or take over your identity.
- Virus: viruses can steal your account details and allow malicious hackers to access your bank account or take over your identity.
- Cyber Ransom: when you are exposed to the risk of Cyber Ransom means that a malicious hacker may withhold personal material (e.g. family photos) or business material (e.g. financial documents) demanding a ransom payment.
- Data Privacy: when you are exposed to Data Privacy risk it means that unscrupulous companies may use your information and personal data for targeted marketing purposes. They may also manage your information in databases that you are completely unaware of in locations all over the world.