The security of personal data and accounts is monitored by scanning the Dark Web using the e-mail address given in your profile.
The Dark Web consists of sites where you can buy and sell the most diverse products, from weapons to drugs. Data that are stolen during attacks or data breaches cannot be missing from the offer. These are mostly credit card numbers, login credentials or accounts linked to payment systems, passports, driving licences or identity cards.
All this information ends up online, where cyber criminals can access and exploit it. An attacker could use passport data to create a false identity or credit card data to make online purchases.
Using special Dark Web monitoring tools, Dark Web scans are carried out to check whether and what personal data are on the Dark Web.
In particular, they proceed by scanning the Dark Web and creating vast databases with the information available and for sale. It then becomes possible to search and find out if and when personal data or accounts have been exposed.